Ear Aesthetics
Prominent Ears occur when the angle of the ear to the head is far greater than how it is supposed to be.
Prominent ear aesthetics or otoplasty can be done any time after the age of 6.
What is the Ear Aesthetics?
Ear aesthetics is the process of correcting protruding ears and putting them in a normal position.
The appearance is corrected with ear aesthetics. The prominent ear problem is mostly caused by genetic reasons. The function of the ear is normal but causes aesthetic anxiety.
Who is suitable for this operation?
In general, prominent ears in young children may cause insecurity. This is true not only because the ears are too large, but also because they have an asymmetrical and folded ear.
Successful results can be achieved with prominent ear aesthetics. This surgery will be better at child age. In general, however, patients prefer older ages. Anyone who has these problems and has no health problems can prefer ear aesthetics.