Mesotherapy: What Is It?
Mesotherapy is a word derived from the Latin words “meso” and “therapy”. Mesotherapy, which literally means “medium treatment”, is a form of aesthetic treatment. It is a procedure performed on the middle layer of the skin using a needle as a method similar to Acupuncture. The process of injecting amino acids, minerals, enzymes and vitamins into the middle layer of the skin with the help of needles (sometimes alone or mixed with each other), is called mesotherapy. Legally, mesotherapy can be applied to all healthy individuals over the age of 18. However, there are people who have some conditions in which mesotherapy cannot be applied or who have conditions that prevent the application. Mesotherapy has a very wide application purpose and application area. Various factors such as the person’s health status, age, physical characteristics, and need are the conditions that change the content to be injected with microinjection application. Hence treatments are made individually.
How is mesotherapy done?
Mesotherapy is performed using very fine needles injecting some special solutions to the middle layer of the skin in the relevant area. It is a treatment for the damage on the skin and the regulation of the weakened blood circulation. The content of the solutions depends on the application area, application purpose, age of the person and many other factors such as the substances that the person needs (personal vitamins, amino acids and minerals).
How is mesotherapy applied?
Before the mesotherapy application, a physical examination is performed first. After the physical examination of the patient, a definite diagnosis is made regarding whatever discomfort the patient has. After finalization, an anesthetic cream can be applied to the application area on the person. Disposable needles are used for each patient and the solutions which are deemed suitable for the patient are applied to the area. It can sometimes be applied using a mechanical gun to make the process of injection easy in the area where the application will be made frequently. An angled injection is done by the physician to the middle layer of the skin in the area where the treatment is needed. Very small amounts of solution is injected into this area of injection. More mesotherapy sessions can be done according to the need of the particular area of skin. It is a outpatient treatment method that does not require dressing after the application. If no side effects occur, the patient can easily continue his normal life after the application.
What are the benefits of mesotherapy?
Mesotherapy is a treatment method that provides benefits in many different ways depending on the application area. It eliminates many problems such as cracks, wrinkles, sunspots, skin spots, skin problems, regional fattening, cellulite in the areas where it is applied. It is a treatment method used especially for people with baldness and hair problems such as alopecia known as a hair loss problem among the public. It provides hair growth in the bald area. It relieves acute or chronic pain in any part of your body. It can particularly be useful for some vascular problems and injuries that occur while doing sports.