الجراحة التجميلية


Mesotherapy, originally it was applied by Doctor Michel Pistor. It is a method that is applied to have an aesthetic view. Worldwide, it is a technique that offers people treatment against anti-aging, skin resurfacing, regional weight loss, scars, hair loss, cracked skin, cellulite treatments, etc.

Recently, it is a very popular skincare treatment among most people that has that kind of aesthetic problem. It hypos the collagen and elastin tissue under the skin. As a result, there appear the reformative results of your complaints.

What is Mesotherapy?

It is a method that takes advantage of microinjections of vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and plant extracts, single or mixture, by injecting them into the body according to a person’s needs. Mesotherapy treatment is planned to an individual’s needs. With the help of mesotherapy machines, people have an aesthetic view.

What are the Varieties of Mesotherapy?

It can be applied for many reasons such as; anti-aging, skin resurfacing, regional weight loss, scars, hair loss, cracked skin, cellulite, vitiligo, sports injuries, dark circles under eyes, etc. The most common application is for hair loss, weight loss, skincare, and cellulite generally.

Mesotherapy for Hair Loss

It is mostly preferred for hair loss in both men and women. There are a lot of factors that affect hair loss in people like genetic factors, environmental factors, hormonal factors, diet bel, sleep, etc.

So, hair mesotherapy is a technique that offers patients the prevention of hair loss, alopecia, and also provides hair growing both for men and women. Alopecia mesotherapy is a very easy and painless treatment that includes vitamins, minerals, and all nutritional elements that you need.

Mesotherapy for Face- Mezolifting

Mezolifting is an effective method that renovates skin on the face. It has impacts of anti-aging that helps your face to be young. During treatment, some collagen synthesis is applied. So, your skin becomes younger and shinier without wrinkles.

Mesotherapy to Lose Weight

It is also helpful for weight loss. Lipolytic mesotherapy is an alternative for liposuction for burning fat around the belly, waist, arms, and leg. It is more effective when it is supported by a regular diet and exercise.

Mesotherapy for Cellulite

Cellulite is a problem for all aged women. Not just women, but men also come across with the same problem. It offers a healer effect against cellulite by injecting necessary vitamins and minerals, and medicals.

Mesotherapy Operation in Medousa Clinic

You can always choose Medousa Clinique for anti-aging, skin resurfacing, regional weight loss, scars, hair loss, cracked skin, cellulite treatments, etc. treatment. The method is applied by a well-qualified team that includes experts. It is also essential for the patient to feel safe and relaxed during the treatment.

Thus, you can choose our clinic which is in Istanbul. At Medousa Clinique, we provide you with the safe and sterile treatment that you need. Also, you can see many historical and touristic places in İstanbul. You can have both medical and touristic travel thanks to Medousa Clinic.

Who is Convenient for Mesotherapy?

It is convenient to be applied for people who have some problems such as; anti-aging, skin resurfacing, regional weight loss, scars, hair loss, cracked skin, cellulite, vitiligo, sports injuries, dark circles under the eyes, etc.

Who is Inconvenient for Mesotherapy?

The technique should not be applied for some people because of the side effects of the mesotherapy drugs. These are the people who are inconvenient for the treatment:

  • Pregnants
  • Nursing mothers
  • Paralyzed people
  • The people who have an allergic reaction to drugs.
  • Diabetic patients
  • Cancer patients

What are the Side Effects of Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy side effects are one of the most asked questions before patients have an injection. Some bad news may appear about chemical and cosmetic products. However, there is no relation with the procedures in practice.

It is one of the safest medical treatments for whom would like to regain their beauty in the mirror. So, it is possible to say that there are no side effects or bad results. After, injection it is normal to see some temporal rubescences and cyanosis on the surface of your body where is injected. These disappear 1 or 2 days after the treatment.

What to Obey Before and After Mesotherapy?

There is some situation that should be obeyed by patients in the situations of mesotherapy before and after. Both before and after treatment, patients had better not use aspirin, should not wash the region that is injected. Also, they shouldn’t wear tight clothes, have a shower, and do make-up for your health