تبييض الاسنان (تبييض)

Teeth whitening (bleatching) process is an application, made in order to decolourize the colour of the teeth. The whitening process is carried out by laser or office type / domestic type whitening sets in a combined manner in consideration of the state of the tooth at issue.

Teeth Whitening In Turkey

The whitening process is an application, made in order to decolourize the colour of the teeth. The whitening process is carried out by laser or office type / domestic type whitening sets in a combined manner in consideration of the state of the tooth at issue. The teeth whitening process can be carried out on everybody, who has completed their tooth development and does not have any allergy against the products due to be used therein. There is not any harm of the teeth whitening process, carried out under the control of the dentists. The laser application is used in order to ensure the activation of the whitening medication and get result in a shorter period of time.

تبييض الأسنان

Teeth whitening involves applying a number of materials to the tooth surface and performing certain processes. There are two different teeth whitening methods. The first one is home bleaching by teeth whitening gel or teeth whitening pen. The second one is called in clinic teeth whitening. In this method, the whitening process is done with UV light or laser light. It is also possible to mention cases where both home bleaching and clinic bleaching are used together.

How Is The Treatment Process?

It is recommended to remove the structural defects of the teeth before the aesthetic teeth whitening procedures. Problems such as fracture of tooth structures, tartar formation, and any caries should be solved before bleaching. If the decays are not treated, it is possible that the bleaching ingredients will leak into the decays. The infiltration might cause problems.

Who Can Have Teeth Whitening Treatment?

Teeth whitening is a procedure that every person wants to have, regardless of whether they are young or old. However, in order to have teeth whitening process, the patient must be over 16 years old since the dental development of children is not complete. In addition, teeth whitening is not recommended during pregnancy and individuals with hypersensitivity or suffering from gum disorders. Other than these conditions, anyone can have treatment.

What Is The Treatment Duration?

Depending on the structure and color tone of the teeth, it takes about an hour. This time includes one session. Depending on the number of sessions, it is possible to have the tooth color you dream after a number of sessions.

حاسبة تكلفة الأسنان


زراعة الأسنان والإجراءات ذات الصلة

كم عدد الغرسات التي تحتاجها؟
رفع الجيوب الأنفية (لا يتم تضمين تكلفة ترقيع العظام ، لا يمكن تحديدها إلا بعد فحص الأسنان بالأشعة السينية / التصوير المقطعي المحوسب)
زراعة الأسنان والإجراءات ذات الصلة المجموع الفرعي

تيجان الأسنان

كم عدد التيجان التي تحتاجها؟
تيجان الأسنان المجموع الفرعي

قشور الأسنان

كم عدد قشور الأسنان التي تحتاجها؟
حشوة البطانة / البطانة بنظام CAD / CAM
قشور الأسنان المجموع الفرعي

أطقم الأسنان

كم عدد أطقم الأسنان الجزئية / الهيكلية / الأطراف الاصطناعية التي تحتاجها (فك واحد أو كلاهما)؟
كم عدد أطقم الأسنان الجزئية / الهيكلية / الأطراف الاصطناعية التي تحتاجها (فك واحد أو كلاهما)؟
أطقم الأسنان المجموع الفرعي

Prodecures أخرى

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تحقق مما إذا كنت تريد مجموعة تبييض الأسنان في المنزل
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    الحد الأقصى للملف: 20 ميجا بايت

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