Пересадка волос методом Sapphire Fue
МЕТОД FUE ПЕРЕСАДКА ВОЛОС Various hair transplant techniques have been used in Turkey. Saffire FUE (Follicular Unite Transplantation) technique is the latest technology in the hair transplant field in the world. Sapphire, is very valuable when considered as a mine. Sapphire, also in the use of headgear, in the ends obtained from the real sapphire are used.
МЕТОД FUE ПЕРЕСАДКА ВОЛОС During the process, when grooving for hair transplantation is performed, it is preferred to use specially produced sapphire tips instead of metal elites. The FUE method using the sapphire tip is not a separate method, but a new kind of innovation that is only covered by. It is an application developed in order to minimize the scab formation and recovery process to the region by keeping the ducts to which hair roots will be transferret to a minimum level than usual area to be planted. Thanks to this application, all the signs and possibilities that can be experienced after the hair transplantation process have been completely minimized. Therefore, it has become the most preferred application of the last period.
In a hair transplant procedure, a successful result can be possible only by most natural appearance and this natural appearance can be reached only by angle of implanting, thickness/density and the growing angle of implanted hairs. Based on these details, using the sapphire tool is an outstanding detail to be able to reach the highest efficiency. Another advantage that sapphire tools brought into hair transplant field is minimum angle on the channeling phase which allows to implant highest amount of grafts. Therefore, there is a quite high chance of success in terms of getting the thickest appearance.
The consultations by experts of Medousa Clinique will help you to get the detailed information in terms of being able to get the density of hair transplant.
By using the sapphire method, the procedure starts with numbing the donor area through local anaesthesia, the area in the back and sides of your head between two ears, followed by the individual extraction of the follicular units together with the surrounding microscopic tissue by using special tools appropriate for the thickness of the hair (0,6 – 0,9 mm) with no pain, no cutting, no scar or stitching. After the extraction, the channeling phase will start based on the number of extracted follicular units. Then, the extracted follicular units are placed in the recipient hairless area one by one.
Мытье волос:
The first hair wash is performed by us on the 3rd day following the transplantation, and we explain and show you in detail how you should wash your hair. You do the subsequent washes during 10-12 days as explained to you and prevent any scabs or coagulation on the transplanted area.
Процесс роста волос:
Месячный период после трансплантации — это период «шоковой потери», также называемый фазой анагена. Другими словами, это выпадение имплантированных прядей волос из-за недостаточного питания или воздействия воздушного потока в течение адаптационного периода в несколько дней. Однако это не означает, что этот период переживает каждый пациент или что все имплантированные пряди волос выпадут. То, что некоторые или все имплантированные пряди волос выпадают, не является проблемой.
Это нормальная фаза.
К 3-му месяцу, имплантированные волосы начинают медленно расти и выходить на кожу головы. Это означает, что вы можете легко наблюдать, как растут ваши волосы. Посредством 6-й месяц, процесс будет наполовину завершен, а это означает, что половина имплантированных волос уже выращена. Минимум 8 месяцев, maximum 18 months the implanted hair grows totally, and the process is completed.