Abdominoplasty is a procedure that removes sagging skin and excess fat tissues in the abdomen. Just like a rhinoplasty, this application is a plastic surgery procedure. Abdominoplasty surgery aims to keep the abdominal region more aesthetic and tidy.
There is also a pre-examination and medical test process for شد البطن. This procedure applied to the abdominal region also helps you look healthier and fitter. This procedure, which is usually used for people who gain and lose weight quickly, is also suitable for sagging after a certain age.
How is Abdominoplasty Applied?
Abdominoplasty is a surgical operation performed under general anesthesia. This procedure removes sagging skin and fat tissues in the abdomen. In these operations performed with the incision method, a different way is followed to avoid scarring. The surgery is performed in an average of 2-3 hours. Experts can also achieve the surgery in their field, plastic surgeons.
Abdominoplasty is also applied to shape the abdomen. According to the patient’s condition, the muscles are prominent, and the belly button can be intervened if necessary. After the surgery, it is essential to enter a healing process every few weeks. It is possible for the patient to feel pain and pain during the شد البطن before and after the procedure. For this, your doctor will give you appropriate painkillers.
Abdominoplasty with Medousa Clinique
Thanks to abdominoplasty in Turkey options, you can also get health services from specialist physicians in this field. At Medousa Clinique, we always offer you quality health services. You can also choose our clinic when it comes to aesthetic surgery. Moreover, while being treated in our clinic, we also prepare memorable trips and activity plans. We do our best for you to have a pleasant time during your treatment process.
To Whom Abdominoplasty Can Be Applied?
Of course, there is an age limit for such aesthetic surgery procedures. Persons younger than 18 are not considered suitable candidates for plastic surgery. For aesthetic procedures, it is first checked whether the person is of legal age. People who have completed their physical and mental development can receive such health services.
Before the aesthetic operations, some medical tests are applied to the person. Likewise, specialist aesthetic physicians pass the patients through a preliminary examination process. If such procedures are positive, then the aesthetic operation is started. If you do not have a chronic disease, you are suitable for such operations.
Things to Know About Rhinoplasty Abdominoplasty
The price list comes to mind first when it comes to aesthetic operations. You must stay away from clinics that offer you a good price guarantee. Such procedures are never reversible. Therefore, a wrong application may cause you to deal with different health problems. Consequently, you should choose clinics with high quality and high success rates.
The healing processes of such procedures are another vital point of interest. The healing process is seen as an average of 1 year in aesthetic procedures. However, recovery and a total return to everyday life may be possible in 6 months, depending on the patient’s condition. A few weeks after the operation, the bruises and swelling in the operation area will completely disappear.